Frequently asked questions

Here we offer you a series of answers to the frequently asked questions that will help you to be clear about every necessary and important thing to know to prepare for and enjoy your trip and stay in the jungle with us to the fullest. If you have any additional questions, contact us and we will be happy to help you.

What is included in the price?
  • Transfer to and from the airport or bus station in Puerto Maldonado

  • All the meals

  • Private cabin

  • Excursions

  • Tickets

  • Additional nights due to cancellations.

  • Bar products

  • Travel insurance

  • Laundry service

  • Additional taxi services within the city.

  • PayPal and bank fees

  • Boots or walking shoes

  • Comfortable clothes; long pants, shorts, long sleeve shirts, short sleeve shirts, summer clothing, rain jacket or poncho and a pair of warm cloth coats in case of cold south winds.

  • Mosquito repellent

  • Sunscreen

  • Sunglasses

  • Hat

  • Flashlight and batteries

  • Camera

  • Binoculars

What NOT to bring

  • PLEASE do not bring hair dryers or high voltage appliances

The lodge is equipped with first aid kits and the city has a medical clinic in case of serious emergencies, but it is good to carry a personal first aid kit.

Malaria medicine is not necessary.

Yellow fever vaccine is recommended, not mandatory in Peru, but check government regulations regarding yellow fever

Our cabins are not soundproof and guests come to hear the sounds of nature. To listen to music outside the bar area, use headphones. Do not yell or raise your voice unless it is an emergency. Please respect silence.

We have warm water with gas heaters only in the shower, not HOT water.

With proper precautions, swimming in the river is fun. Ask your guide if you want to swim in a river. Don't go swimming in the river without your guide.

You can walk along the Lodge facilities, but just follow the trails with your guide and stay on the trails at all times unless your guide tells you to.

We only accept Peruvian soles and new US dollars (the staff reserves the right not to accept damaged bills). The exchange rate is determined by the Manager, we recommend bringing both currencies.

Unfortunately we do not accept credit cards at the Lodge. We do in the city.

Tipping is not mandatory, but it is at your discretion.

We reserve the right to postpone or cancel any activity due to weather, unsafe water conditions, or any other circumstance that may jeopardize the safety of our guests and guides.

We have a variety of sizes of free use rain boots (check if we have your size when making your reservation).

The guides are per group. If you want a private guide, you can book it in advance for an additional cost when making your reservation.

The groups are maximum of 8 to 10 people per guide.

Private boat (transfer only) is available at an additional cost. If you lose the scheduled motor boat due to unforeseen circumstances, we can arrange another one at an additional cost.

In no case is it allowed to feed the animals. Animals in the forest are observed from a distance and in the rescue center which is NOT a zoo, they cannot be touched or fed.

We are pleased to say that there is NO Wi-Fi in the lodge, but there is in the city office.
