Live an adventure in nature

With Amazon Planet Tambopata Lodge, you disconnect from the routine to enter the rainforest and reconnect with nature, explore it in a unique way and live an unforgettable experience with each of our activities included in our all-inclusive programs

Tambopata Jungle Excursion
Tambopata Jungle Excursion 2
Tambopata Jungle Excursion 3
Tambopata Jungle Excursion 4

Activity details

Recommended for: Afternoon and night

Duration: 1 hour

Difficulty level: I

Jungle excursion

"A tangled forest and the feeling of hidden eyes watching us."

DAY EXCURSION: Introduction walk under the direction of the naturalist guide through our nearby trails to discover this incredible ecosystem of unparalleled biodiversity. Explore and search for wild animals among huge trees and lianas, walking palms and unique mushrooms as you breathe in the purest air of all.

NIGHT EXCURSION: Experience the jungle as it transforms from day to night making way for animals specially adapted to darkness. Pay attention with your flashlight to an animal running in your path. A frog orchestra can be heard in the distance surrounded by thousands of insects. The jungle is a new and exciting place in the dark.


Recommended for: Afternoon and night

Duration: 1 hour

Difficulty level: I

Included in these programs:

Rescue centre circuit Lake discovery Tribal adventure Lake expedition Amazon Odyssey
Tambopata Canopy Walkways Activity
Tambopata Canopy Walkways Activity 2
Tambopata Canopy Walkways Activity 3
Tambopata Canopy Walkways Activity 4

Activity details

Recommended for: Morning

Duration: 2.5 hours

Difficulty level: II - III

Canopy walkways

"Another continent of life remains to be discovered, not on the ground, but 20 or 30 meters above it, spanning thousands of square kilometers."

Deep excursion to the Taricaya Ecological Reserve to further discover the great Amazon biodiversity and explore the forest from a different perspective through the suspension bridges and platforms. We will climb a 45-meter-long bridge to the platform 15 meters high over a renacal, AVATAR PLATFORM, an impressive tree interconnected by its aerial roots in a swamp.

We will also go up a 13-meter tower and then walk along the 90-meter-long suspension bridge until we reach the platform 45 meters high in the crown of an ancient Kapok tree. THE TARICAYA CANOPY WALKWAY is the highest platform in nature in South America! The best view of the Amazon jungle is from this spot.

Activity details

Recommended for: Morning

Duration: 2.5 hours

Difficulty level: II - III

Included in these programs:

Rescue centre circuit Lake discovery Tribal adventure Lake expedition Amazon Odyssey
TambopataTaricaya Tour
TambopataTaricaya Tour 2
TambopataTaricaya Tour 3
TambopataTaricaya Tour 4

Activity details

Recommended for: Morning

Duration: 30 min

Difficulty level: I

Taricaya research center

"In nature, knowing what we have is the most important thing in order to know how to take better care of it"

We will visit the facilities of the Taricaya Reserve research center, including common areas where staff and volunteers live as a community and develop some of the projects. We will see the artificial beach of the Taricaya river turtle repopulation project in danger of extinction due to human activities. The nests are transferred for protection (in July / August) and the eggs hatch (in October-November). Be part of the release of turtles: On November 5 of each year we gather all the hatchlings born in the season and we travel upstream for 15 minutes to Isla Playa Alta to release the turtles into the river.

BOOK YOUR SPACE! and be part of this incredible event in life. We will go up to the Taricaya museum to observe the samples collected and information of the research projects on the biodiversity of birds, bats, invertebrates, butterflies and mammals.

Activity details

Recommended for: Morning

Duration: 30 min

Difficulty level: I

Included in these programs:

Rescue centre circuit Lake discovery Tribal adventure Lake expedition Amazon Odyssey
TambopataTaricaya Tour 5
TambopataTaricaya Tour 6
TambopataTaricaya Tour 7
TambopataTaricaya Tour 8

Activity details

Recommended for: Morning

Duration: 1 hour

Difficulty level: I

Taricaya rescue center

"Wild animals are not pets and it is our responsibility to save and help those who were ripped from their homes, to return to where they belong, to nature."

We will take a tour of the rescue center to get a close look at the different animals staying there and the work that Taricaya has carried out since 2008 in favor of the rescue, rehabilitation, release and reintroduction of fauna in the area. Meet the family of spider monkeys, howler monkeys, Simba the jungle puma, Kira wild dog Kira, Cholita, Dominga and Sabina the spectacled bears, macaws, parrots and many other animals that the professionals and interns at the center take care of in order to rehabilitate and release them back to their natural habitat. If not possible, to give them the best quality of life in captivity.

Activity details

Recommended for: Morning

Duration: 1 hour

Difficulty level: I

Included in these programs:

Rescue centre circuit Lake discovery Tribal adventure Lake expedition Amazon Odyssey
Tambopata Mahogany Tour
Tambopata Mahogany Tour 2
Tambopata Mahogany Tour 3
Tambopata Mahogany Tour 4

Activity details

Recommended for: Afternoon

Duration: 2.5 hours

Difficulty level: II

Mahogany project

"Help people manage their lands efficiently, achieve sustainable agriculture and regenerate the Amazon rainforest"

We will make an excursion through the forest until we reach the agroforestry farm at Taricaya to see the established mahogany plantation, which grew in combination with tropical flowers (heliconias, emperor's staff, etc.) and fruits (cocoa, coffee, pineapple, coconut, star fruit, lemon, etc.). We will visit the mahogany workshop and the different works of art made with this precious wood cut from the farm in the short term, an example of an alternative economic activity to be developed by local families.

Activity details

Recommended for: Afternoon

Duration: 2.5 hours

Difficulty level: II

Included in these programs:

Rescue centre circuit Lake discovery Tribal adventure Lake expedition Amazon Odyssey
Tambopata Cayman Activity
Tambopata Cayman Activity 2
Tambopata Cayman Activity 4
Tambopata Cayman Activity 4

Activity details

Recommended for: Night

Duration: 1 hour

Difficulty level: II

Cayman search

"Don't make fun of the cayman until after you've crossed the stream."

At night enjoy a brief introduction talk about one of the river's largest reptiles, the cayman. We will begin our activity in the motor boat along the edge of the river under the moonlight in search of the spectacled cayman and the dwarf cayman and black cayman when they are resting at the edge of the water. With the help of a flashlight, the guide will walk in search of the red reflection of the alligator's eyes and with the help of our expert motorboat driver we will try to get as close as possible to see this incredible reptile on the eyes.

Activity details

Recommended for: Night

Duration: 1 hour

Difficulty level: II

Included in these programs:

Rescue centre circuit Lake discovery Tribal adventure Lake expedition Amazon Odyssey
Tambopata River Activity
Tambopata River Activity 2
Tambopata River Activity 3

Activity details

Recommended for: Afternoon

Duration: 2 hours

Difficulty level: II

River adventure

"Floating towards the beautiful sunset of the Madre de Dios in the middle of the river, the sounds of nature around us is heavenly peace"

This is considered by many of our tourists as one of their favorite activities. Sail down the Madre de Dios River in your own inflatable boat with nothing but the sounds of the jungle as your backdrop. Float down the river to the Lodge enjoying the scenery, enjoy the sunset over the river behind you. Possibility of observing the fauna on the edge of the river. Just pull your oars into the water to change direction and let the river take care of the rest.

Activity details

Recommended for: Afternoon

Duration: 2 hours

Difficulty level: II

Included in these programs:

Rescue centre circuit Lake discovery Tribal adventure Lake expedition Amazon Odyssey
Tambopata Lake Sandoval Tour
Tambopata Lake Sandoval Tour 2
Tambopata Lake Sandoval Tour 3
Tambopata Lake Sandoval Tour 4

Activity details

Recommended for: Early morning

Duration: Half a day

Difficulty level: III

Sandoval magic lake

“Enjoy the magic of Lake Sandoval from sunrise to sunset. Feel the peace of the heart of a perfectly protected reserve. ”

We wake up at dawn to travel upstream for 45 minutes to the entrance of the Tambopata National Reserve and begin the walk through the pristine forest towards Lake Sandoval. We will paddle a boat around the mirror-like lake with the opportunity to observe a wide variety of wildlife such as the giant otter, an endangered species, howler monkeys, macaws and black caymans. We will end the day with an excursion through the forest back to the river, where we will board our motor boat and return to the Lodge for a well deserved lunch.

Activity details

Recommended for: Early morning

Duration: Half a day

Difficulty level: III

Included in these programs:

Lake discovery Lake expedition Amazon Odyssey
Tambopata Native Family Tour
Tambopata Native Family Tour 2
Tambopata Native Family Tour 3
Tambopata Native Family Tour 4

Activity details

Recommended for: Morning or Afternoon

Duration: Half a day

Difficulty level: III

Native family ese eja

“A cultural transmission in which the knowledge, behavior patterns, cosmological beliefs and culture per se are communicated and acquired. ”

The Eja Esa indigenous tribe are originally from the Madre de Dios River. Just 10 minutes upriver from us lives a family from this tribe. As a more sustainable economic alternative to living we encouraged our neighbors to welcome visitors and show them how their tribe lived in the jungle before they were forced to become part of the major society by missionaries back in 1945.

Meet Enrique and his family, direct descendants of the Ese-Eja tribe. Have a direct cultural experience with them as they teach you about their ancestral culture and customs, see what they used to wear, eat; see how Enrique makes fire with natural materials and build your own bow and arrow with him. Finally, the women of the family show their natural crafts for sale, which is also an economic means for them.

Activity details

Recommended for: Morning or Afternoon

Duration: Half a day

Difficulty level: III

Included in these programs:

Tribal adventure Amazon Odyssey

Other activities

Learn about other activities to further enjoy the jungle experience with us. They are ideal to add to your chosen program or to encourage you to stay longer and customize your extra day to your choice.

Activity details

Recommended for: Morning through afternoon

Duration: 3 hours and 3 hours

Difficulty level: II - III

Taricaya Volunteer for a DAY

"Science and action are the key to biodiversity conservation"

Hands-on collaboration for Amazonian conservation! Be part of the Taricaya team for a day. Have a life experience participating directly in their projects under the direction of the professionals and specialists of the Taricaya Reserve. Taricaya Reserve.

Activity details

Recommended for: Morning through afternoon

Duration: 3 hours and 3 hours

Difficulty level: II - III

Available for 01 additional day of stay.
NOT included in programs

Activity details

Recommended for: night

Duration: 1 hour

Difficulty level: I

Amazonian talks

"Nature is a school and its knowledge must be learned and shared."

Participate in evening lectures while you rest from a day of exploration. With a variety of topics, you will learn more deeply about this wonderful Amazon ecosystem, about the research and conservation actions we carry out in the area and our relationship with nature.

Activity details

Recommended for: night

Duration: 1 hour

Difficulty level: I

Available to add to your program
NOT included in programs

Activity details

Recommended for: lunch or dinner

Duration: 1 hour

Difficulty level: I

Peruvian Amazonian Cuisine

"Secrets in the kitchen are better when they are shared so that the culinary culture continues to live."

Bring your senses into the kitchen and learn about the incomparable Peruvian gastronomy. Join our chef in the art of preparing the delicious typical dishes of Peru and the Amazon jungle. Take with you the recipe and Peruvian knowledge to enchant your kitchen with the unique flavor of Peru.

Activity details

Recommended for: lunch or dinner

Duration: 1 hour

Difficulty level: I

Available to add to your stay
NOT included in programs

Activity details

Recommended for: early morning or late afternoon

Duration: 1.5 hours

Difficulty level: III

Bird watching

"Birds are a miracle, they show us that there is a finer, simpler state of being, which we can strive to achieve."

For bird lovers and bird watchers we are the ideal place! With three observation platforms and banding stations, Taricaya has recorded more than 500 species of birds. With the help of the Taricaya bird guide, add species to your identification list and enjoy the wonderful Amazonian birdlife.

Activity details

Recommended for: early morning or late afternoon

Duration: 1.5 hours

Difficulty level: III

Available to add to your stay
NOT included in programs

Activity details

Recommended for: afternoon

Duration: 1 to 2 hours

Difficulty level: I

Experimental fishing

"Fishing in a place is a meditation on the rhythm of a current, a season and the stages of life."

Enjoy this relaxing activity on the edge of the Sandoval creek (rainy season) or on the shore of the beach (dry season) while you contemplate the aquatic nature. With some wooden sticks, as the locals do, throw the hook and see if a piranha or palometa bites.

Activity details

Recommended for: afternoon

Duration: 1 to 2 hours

Difficulty level: I

Available to add to your stay
NOT included in programs

Activity details

Recommended for: Affternoon

Duration: 1 hour

Difficulty level: I

Amazon reconnection

"If you go to a very distant forest and stay very quiet, you will come to understand that you are connected to everything."

Learn and connect with the spirituality of the forest, the Amazon culture, their worldview and identity, as well as the ethnobotanical knowledge, and what the use and consumption of plants mean, seeking healing or well-being of our body, mind and spirit. Meditate in nature or enjoy an energetic massage therapy.

Activity details

Recommended for: Affternoon

Duration: 1 hour

Difficulty level: I

Available to add to your stay
NOT included in programs

Activity details

Recommended for: Afternoon

Duration: 1.5 hours

Difficulty level: II

Hidden Wildlife

"An entire world of animals can be discovered as a spy hidden in the wild."

Discover the most conspicuous animals in the jungle by participating in our wildlife monitoring activity with camera traps. Join our staff on an excursion through the forest to collect camera data. Back at the Lodge, we reviewed the images to observe the animals, especially mammals that the camera captured.

Activity details

Recommended for: Afternoon

Duration: 1.5 hours

Difficulty level: II

Available to add to your stay
NOT included in programs

Activity details

Recommended for: Early in the morning

Duration: Half day

Difficulty level: I

Chuncho Macaw Clay Lick

“Nature's most impressive colorful and sonorous wild bird show.”

We organize your entire adventure with an overnight stay at another Lodge to visit one of the most famous clay licks in Tambopata, before or after your AP program. Various species of macaws and parrots come flying in droves to perch in the trees near the clay lick and swoop down to eat clay.

Activity details

Recommended for: Early in the morning

Duration: Half day

Difficulty level: I

Available for an additional night's stay
NOT included in programs

What our traveler community is saying

4.5 of 5


Based on 256 opinions



Once in a life time experience

Amazing experience. The food was delicious and our cabin was comfortable. Our guide Alejandro was great and we all really enjoyed all the activities. I was struggling with the effects of food poisoning the day before we arrived and Alejandro and the kitchen really took care of me preparing special soups and such as I recovered. We really got to see so much of the jungle including being greeted by a tapir our first evening as we arrived. We had very good bug spray and weren't too bothered by the bugs but the humidity was hard to adjust to. Our whole experience was great and the highlight of our trip to Peru.

Gabe A


A Comfortable and Eco-friendly way to experience the Rain Forrest!

We stayed here for 4 days during our Peru trip. It was arguably the most comfortable and fascinating place we visited. The food was amazing and the staff was incredibly friendly and knowledgeable. Our eco-lodge was very private, spacious and comfortable. Falling asleep each night to the sounds of the jungle was an unforgettable experience.



Explore and support the jungle 🌿❤

We had the most amazing stay in the jungle with Amazon Planet! The lodge is placed beautifully right next to the river in the jungle with plenty of animals around the lodge. We were so glad to experience Amazon Planet’s sustainable approach to the jungle and the wildlife and we would definitely recommend you going here, if you want to experience the jungle on the jungle’s premises while you support the important conservation work. The itinerary also offers plenty of time to relax and chill. Our bungalow was very nice and clean and protected us from insects. The food was SO good! And the staff and our guide Alejandro were very welcoming and knowledgeable. You should definitely go here! And if you do - make sure to book your trip directly through Amazon Planet ❤



110% would recommend, amazing value for money too!

We cannot say enough about this place - it's out-of-this-world amazing, and without breaking the bank too! We had the best time on our 3-night trip, which we found out later was the perfect amount of time for the tours (the main tours are 3 and 5 days long). The lodge was beautiful, food was top notch and not what we expected so deep in the jungle, the hosts were extremely friendly and tentative and relaxed, and the cabins were a little slice of heaven tucked under the trees by the river, so we could hear the jungle sounds from morning til night!! Our tour guide Ivan was fantastic too, so knowledgeable and friendly. Would highly highly recommend this place for your first or next trip to the jungle!


JULY 2023

Beatiful trip and stay in the jungle in a true eco lodge and project

Together with my family incl. two kids of 9 and 15 years I had fantastic 4 days at the Amazon Planet ecolodge. - The nature around the lodge is amazing. All trips into the jungle have been incredible. We saw so many beautiful animals and plants, incl. aras, caymans, monkeys, butterflies and even a tapir. - Our guide Ivan was wonderful, always patient and absolutely reliable. He shared so much about the jungle without never overloading us with information - I have never had such a good teacher / guide. It was also a pleasure to see my kids to listen to his explanations - absorbing all like a sponge. - The lodge was very comfortable and absolutely clean. The food was great. - The organization was perfect and the booking process with Sandra from Amazon Planet has been a pleasure. - The purpose of this endeavor is to preserve the nature in a credible way.

Olivia P wrote


The highlight of our honeymoon!

Amazon Planet was a truly life changing experience. Sandra’s passion for the environment, our guide Alejandro’s incredible knowledge of the flora and fauna of the jungle and the most beautiful meals for breakfast lunch and dinner were amazing. My husband and I came for our honeymoon and we’re amazed by the hospitality, kindness and all of animals that we saw. Alejandro taught us to listen out for lots of different animal calls, and we were able to recognise them for ourselves in no time. We were also so grateful for the advice that Alejandro and Sandra provided us about the ongoing protests, and ensured we made it to the airport with plenty of time to catch our flight. It really was a once in a lifetime experience and I cannot recommend it more highly!
